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Oct 30, 2020

In 2015, Dorian weighed 210 lbs, was constantly tired, on anti-depressants, and had nearly all the markers for metabolic syndrome. Within six months of following the ketogenic diet, he had lost 47 lbs, came off all medications, and finally got his mojo back. The Ketogenic lifestyle changed his life, and he wanted to give back.

However, Ketone testing was expensive - meters and test strips were produced by a few big players in the bio-tech industry - therefore inaccessible to many in need. This was an industry that needed to be disrupted. After many months and countless doors closed in his face, he succeeded in creating an FDA approved meter and testing strips that were more accurate and affordable than any other in the market, and Keto-Mojo was born.

Over the past 5 years, Dorian has attended and spoken at numerous conferences globally. Dorian and his wife Gemma have worked extensively with the ketogenic community to learn and understand the many facets of the scientific underpinnings which lead to overall medical benefits. They have founded The Ketogenic Foundation, a 501(c)(3)non-profit, which fosters Ketogenic Education, Medical Research, and Information Sharing for the benefit of improving the health of humankind.

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Ready to enhance your metabolism? Learn about my Keto In & Out system HERE.

Want one on one coaching? Learn more about it HERE.